(202) 851-6905
Washington Zone 1, DCThis could be a landline or mobile phone. The original carrier for this number was Onvoy in Washington Zone 1, DC, but it was moved to IP Horizon in the same area in October of 2021. The new carrier was verified 311 days ago. It's possible the number was ported somewhere else since then.
Carrier (Ported)
- Company
- IP Horizon
- 515J
- Rate center
- State
- DC
- Status
- Assigned
- Assigned
- April 5, 2021
- Effective
- June 6, 2021
- Ported
- October 15, 2021
- Allocation
- Thousands-block (NPA-NXX-X)
- Company
- Onvoy
- 850D
- Rate center
- State
- DC
- Status
- Assigned
- Assigned
- April 21, 2016
- Effective
- May 9, 2016
- Allocation
- Thousands-block (NPA-NXX-X)